Corrina, Corrina (film)

Corrina, Corrina is a 1994 American feature film set in 1959 about a widower Ray Liotta who hires a housekeepernanny Whoopi Goldberg to care for his daughter Tina Majorino. It was written and directed by Jessie Nelson, in her feature film directing debut. It was the final film in which Don Ameche starred he died shortly after filming was completed.

As his friends and family leave after the gathering, it is apparent that this new situation is going to be trying. A newlywidowed man and his sevenyear old girl, who will no longer speak, due to her mothers passing, trying to find a way to move forward. There is a need for a housekeepernanny so that Manny can return to work and to also crank out selling jingles for a living lest his job becomes shakyper his best friend and boss, Sid Larry Miller .After a failed trial run with a nanny of sorts, Corrina Whoopi Goldberg interviews for the position. Since her mothers death, Molly has not only refused to speak but does not even acknowledge people. She responds to Corrina and Manny hires her as a housekeeper. Very quickly a strong bond is formed between them. Corrina works out a system to talk with her without making her speak and also helps her find a pet turtle they name Lois. ........

Source: Wikipedia