
Diggstown, also known as Midnight Sting, is a 1992 American sports comedy drama film directed by Michael Ritchie and starring James Woods, Louis Gossett, Jr. and Bruce Dern. It also features Heather Graham, Oliver Platt and Randall Tex Cobb.

A meanspirited man named John Gillon Bruce Dern owns almost all of Diggstown. He is feared by many but also respected because he was the former manager of Diggstowns pride and joy, the oncefamous boxer Charles Macom Diggs, the man for whom the town is named.Upon hearing a remark that Diggs once knocked out five fighters in one day, Fitz drunkenly says he knows of a fighter who could knock out anyin one day Honey Roy Palmer. Gillon tries to take advantage of the situation and bets Fitz 100,000 that no one man can best ten Diggstown boxers in one day. Caine quickly volunteers to finance Fitzs bet and the con is on. ........

Source: Wikipedia