Henrique Capriles Radonski

Henrique Capriles Radonski , more commonly known as Henrique Capriles, is a Venezuelan politician and lawyer, currently serving as 36th Governor of Miranda. Born in Caracas onJuly 1972, he received a degree on law from the Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello, and later tax law from the Central University of Venezuela. Capriles first ventured into politics at age 26, when he became the youngest member ever elected of the Venezuelan parliament. He secured a seat into the Chamber of Deputies in the 1998 parliamentary elections, under the Christian democratic party Copei. He served as Vice President of the Congress and President of the Chamber of Deputies until their dissolution by the Constitutional Assembly in August 1999.

Henrique Capriles was born in Caracas onJuly 1972. His parents are Mnica Cristina RadonskiBochenek and Henrique Capriles Garca. His maternal grandparents were Ashkenazi Jewish that immigrated from Russia and Poland during World War II. His greatgrand parents were murdered by the Germans in the Treblinka extermination camp during World War II. His maternal grandmother, Lili Bochenek, lived formonths in the Warsaw Ghetto. Capriless paternal grandfather, Armando CaprilesMyerston, was a Sephardi Jew.

Source: Wikipedia