Al Suyuti

Ab alFal Abd alRamn ibn Ab Bakr ibn Muammad Jall alDn alKhuayr alSuy was an Egyptian religious scholar, juristic expert and teacher, and one of the most prolific Arab writers of the Middle Ages, whose works deal with Islamic theology. In 1486, he was appointed to a chair in the mosque of Baybars in Cairo. He adhered to the Shafii Maslak and is one of the latterday authorities of the Shafii School, considered to be one of the AshabunNazzar whose degree of ijtihad is agreed upon. An alternative spelling of his name is Jalaluddin.

AlSuyuti was born onOctober 1445 AD Rajab 849 AH in Cairo, Egypt. His mother was Circassian and his father was of Persian origin, while AlSuyuti says that his ancestors came from AlKhudayriyya in Baghdad. His family moved to Asyut in Mamluk Egypt, hence the nisba AlSuyuti. AlSuyutis father taught Shafii law at the Mosque and Khanqah of Shaykhu in Cairo, but died when AlSuyuti wasoryears old.

Source: Wikipedia