Alain Soral

Alain Soral, identified in the civil registry as Alain Bonnet, and frequently also named using the full family name as Alain Bonnet de Soral , is a FrancoSwiss essayist, and film maker, as well as being the author of several polemical essays. He is the brother of the actress Agns Soral, who first used the simplified Soral pseudonym, which her brother now also uses. Soral lives in the PyrnesAtlantiques. Since June 2004, he has been a boxing coach. Soral used to work for the farright National Front, and cofounded in July 2015 his own party, Rconciliation Nationale.

Soral was born in AixlesBains, Savoie and grew up in the suburbs of Annemasse , where he attended a local primary school. When Soral was about 12, his family moved to Meudon la Fort so that he could go to a reputable private Catholic high school, the Collge Stanislas de Paris. Soral spent two years doing small jobs before being accepted into the cole Nationale Suprieure des BeauxArts at 20, where he studied for two years. Soral was then taken in by a family of academics, who encouraged him to enroll at the cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales, where he attended lectures given by Cornelius Castoriadis.

Source: Wikipedia