Alexandre Chauveau

Alexandre Chauveau was a lawyer, judge, educator and political figure in Quebec. He represented Rimouski in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec from 1872 to 1880 as both a Conservative member and a Liberal cabinet minister.

He was born in Quebec City, the son of PierreJosephOlivier Chauveau and MarieLouiseFlore Mass. Chauveau was educated at the Collge SainteMarie at Montreal, the Universit Laval and McGill University. He articled in law with S. Lelivre at Quebec City and Georgetienne Cartier in Montreal, was called to the Quebec bar in 1868 and set up practice in Quebec City with Richard Alleyn. In 1871, he married MarieAnneAdle, the daughter of UlricJoseph Tessier. In 1878, Chauveau was named Queens Counsel.

Source: Wikipedia