Alexandru Papadopol Calimah

Alexandru PapadopolCalimah also known as Alexandru PapadopolCallimachi was a Romanian historian, publicist and politician who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and as the Minister of Culture and Public Instruction of the Principality of Romania.

PapadopolCalimah was born on January 15, 1833 in Tecuci, to the family of Nicephorus Papadopol, a ship captain, and his wife, Euphrosyne Callimah, the daughter of the Prince of Wallachia Scarlat Callimachi Voevod. He served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Nicolae Creulescus cabinet from October 17, 1865 until February 10, 1866 and as the Minister of Culture and Public Instruction from November 16, 1868 until 1870 in Dimitrie Ghicas cabinet. PapadopolCalimah was a member since September 12, 1876 and Vice President of the Romanian Academy from March 18, 1885 to April 5, 1886. He died on June 18, 1898 in Tecuci.

Source: Wikipedia