Alison Jackson

Alison Jackson is a British BAFTA and multi awardwinning artist who explores the cult of celebrity culture an extraordinary phenomenon created by the media and publicity industries. Jackson makes convincingly realistic work about celebrities doing things in private using lookalikes. She creates scenarios we have all imagined but never seen before. Jackson comments on the publics voyeurism, the power and seductive nature of imagery, and on their need to believe. The artists work has established wide respect for her as an incisive, funny and thoughtprovoking commentator on the burgeoning phenomenon of contemporary celebrity culture. Alison works across all media and arts platforms in television, digital, books, and is widely exhibited in galleries and museums attracting extensive interest in the press and on TV. Her images themselves have become just as much a part of popular culture as images of the real celebrities. Jackson has won a BAFTA for her BBCseries Doubletake and collecte


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