Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy

The Blessed Amadeus IX , nicknamed the Happy, was the Duke of Savoy from 1465 to 1472. The Catholic Church venerates him with a liturgical feast on March 30.

He was born at ThononlesBains, the son of Louis, Duke of Savoy, and Anne de Lusignan, daughter of Janus of Cyprus, King of Cyprus. In 1452, his mother arranged a political marriage to Yolande of Valois , sister of Louis XI of France and daughter of Charles VII of France. Because of his epilepsy and retirement, she was left in control of the state. France and the Holy Roman Empire competed to gain control of Savoys strategically important Alpine passes and trade routes. French influence increased in Savoy and involved the country in the wars between France and the emperors. The Castle of Moncalleri in Piedmont, Italy was initially built around 1100 as a fortress on a hill, to command the main southern access to Turin. In the mid15th century Yolanda turned it into a Renaissance Royal Palace.

Source: Wikipedia