Andrew Davidson was a Scottish soldier who fought in the American Civil War. Davidson received the United States highest award for bravery during combat, the Medal of Honor, for his action during the Battle of the Crater in Petersburg, Virginia onJuly 1864. He was honored with the award onOctober 1892.
Davidson was born in Morebattle, Scotland onFebruary 1840. He enlisted with the 121st New York Infantry onAugust 1862. He was promoted to regimental Sergeant Major He was transferred to the 30th U.S. Colored Troops onMarch 1864, where he was promoted to First Lieutenant and later Regimental Adjutant on May 1, 1864. It was in this capacity that he performed the act of gallantry onJuly 1864 that later earned him the Medal of Honor. ByDecember 1865 when Davidson was mustered out of the service, he had been promoted to Captain and commander of Company B within his regiment.
Source: Wikipedia