Ba Saw Phyu

Ba Saw Phyu was king of Arakan from 1459 to 1482. He acquired Chittagong in 1459, and put down a rebellion there in 1481. He established religious contacts with Ceylon and built the Mahabodhi ShweGu Temple. Though he was beloved by his subjects for his enlightened rule, the king was assassinated by a servant of his eldest son Dawlya.

Ba Saw Phyu was born to Prince Khayi and Princess Saw PaBa , both of Launggyet royalty in early 1430. Prince Phyu had a younger brother Ba Saw Nyo and several halfbrothers. Although he had an older halfbrother, Min Khayis first son by a commoner wife, Phyus main rival to the throne was Min Swe, his halfbrother whose mother Saw Pyinsa was also of Launggyet royalty and a first cousin of Saw PaBa. According to the Arakanese chronicles, the young prince was athletic as well as an expert archer and marksman. He was later married to Saw Nandi and Saw Htin. He had a son, Dawlya, by Saw Nandi and two sons, Gamani and Narapati Sekkya, by Saw Htin. He also had at least two daughters.

Source: Wikipedia