Benjamin Hornigold

Captain Benjamin Hornigold , was an 18thcentury English pirate who operated during the tail end of the Golden Age of Piracy. His career lasted from 1715 until 1718, after which he became a pirate hunter and pursued his former allies on behalf of the Governor of the Bahamas. He was killed when his ship was wrecked on a reef during the hurricane season of 1719.

Hornigolds early life is unrecorded, although he is sometimes claimed to have been born in the English county of Norfolk, where the surname Hornigold or Hornagold appears. If so, he might have first served at sea aboard ships whose home port was either Kings Lynn or Great Yarmouth. His first documented acts of piracy took place in the winter of 17131714, when he employed periaguas and a sloop to menace merchant vessels off the coast of New Providence and its capital Nassau, where he had established a Privateers or Pirates republic. By 1717, Hornigold had at his command a thirtygun sloop he named the Ranger, which was probably the most heavily armed ship in the region, and this allowed him to seize other vessels with impunity.

Source: Wikipedia