Beno%C3%AEte Rencurel

Venerable Benote Rencurel was a shepherdess from SainttienneleLaus, France who is said to have seen apparitions from the Virgin Mary beginning from 1664 through 1718. The apparitions became known as Our Lady of Laus, and the site receives thousands of pilgrim visits a year. OnMay 2008, Bishop JeanMichel di Falco of the Diocese of Gap, officially recognized the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to Benoite Rencurel at the sanctuary of Laus in the area of HautesAlpes, France.

Benote Rencurel was born on September 16, 1647, in the little town of SaintEtienne dAvanon, in the southern Alps. Her parents lived modestly from the works of their hands. Her father, Guillaume Rencurel, died when Benote was seven years old. For the widow and her daughters, this death would lead to material destitution. There was no school in SaintEtienne dAvanon, so Benote never learned to read or write. At the age of twelve, Benoite found work as a shepherdess.

Source: Wikipedia