Caleb Carr (governor)

Caleb Carr was a governor of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, serving a very short term prior to his death. In 1635, at the age of 11, he sailed from England on the ship Elizabeth and Ann with his older brother Robert. Carrs name appears on a list of Newport freemen in 1655, and he began serving in a civil capacity the year prior when he became a commissioner. He served in this capacity for a total of six years between 1654 and 1662, and then served as deputy foryears from 1664 to 1690. During the years when he wasnt serving as deputy, he was an assistant, serving in this role for a total of ten years. From 1677 to 1678 he was the justice of the General Quarter Session and Inferior Court of Common Pleas.


Source: Wikipedia