Christina, Queen of Sweden

Christina was Queen regnant of Sweden from 1632 to 1654, with the titles of Queen of the Swedes, Goths and Wends Grand Princess of Finland, and Duchess of Estonia, Livonia and Karelia, BremenVerden, Stettin, Pomerania, Cassubia and Vandalia, Princess of Rugia, Lady of Ingria and of Wismar.

Christina was born in the royal castle Tre Kronor. The king had already sired two daughters160 a nameless princess stillborn in 1620 and then the first princess Christina, who was born in 1623 and died the following year. Excited expectation surrounded Maria Eleonoras third pregnancy in 1626. When the baby was born it was first thought to be a boy as it was hairy and screamed, with a strong, hoarse voice. She later wrote in her autobiography that, Deep embarrassment spread among the women when they discovered their mistake. The king, though, was very happy, stating, Shell be clever, she has made fools of us all!. From most accounts, Gustav Adolf appears to have been closely attached to his daughter, and she appears to have admired him greatly. Her mother remained disappointed that Christina was a girl.

Source: Wikipedia