Claude Poullart des Places

ClaudeFranois Poullart des Places, C.S.Sp. was a French Catholic priest who founded the Holy Ghost Fathers in 1703 at the age of 24. The decree opening his cause of canonization was promulgated onOctober 1989, but has not yet proceeded to his beatification.

Claude des Places, was born onFebruary 1679 in Rennes, France, the son of a French aristocrat, Franois des Places, and his wife, Jeanne le Meneust. He was baptized the next day. His father was one of the wealthiest businessmen in the city and enjoyed considerable standing in the community as an attorney in the Breton Parliament. Claudes mother also belonged to the aristocracy and, prior to her marriage, served as governess to the family of the President of the Provincial Parliament.

Source: Wikipedia