Dominique Loiseau

Dominique Loiseau was a French and Swiss watchmaker who worked at the highest levels of complex horology from the mid 1970s onwards He was the creator of several notable timepieces, including six Montres de Sables, the Rose de Temps clock, the Renaissance or Capriccio pocket watches and the Blancpain 1735 wristwatch. In 2011 he presented, the Loiseau 1f4, one of the most complicated automatic watches with eight patents. Loiseau announced in 2012 a collaboration with Swiss watch manufacturer GirardPerregaux.

Loiseau was born in BoulogneBillancourt. Originally, Dominique ignored his fathers desire that he continue the familys watchmaking tradition of father and grandfather alike, beginning instead his life as an academic with studies of literature, art and history, later obtaining a degree in philosophy at the University of Paris at Nanterre. By pure coincidence, the period of his studies there were centered within the hotbed episode of French student revolution marked by the May 1968 protests that would later spread across the nation, changing French society forever.and Dominique Loiseau himself. His experiences during this revolutionary period in contemporary European history made him think again about the future and his fathers respect for creating with ones own hands. This led him to the decision to study watchmaking at the renowned lEcole dhorlogerie dAnet at Dreux in France later followed by a study at the Technicum de La ChauxdeFonds, in Switzerland. Shortly after completing these st

Source: Wikipedia