Donald Houston

Donald Daniel Houston was a Welsh actor whose first two films160 The Blue Lagoon with Jean Simmons, and A Run for Your Money with Sir Alec Guinness160 were highly successful. Later in his career he was cast in military roles and in comedies such as the Doctor and Carry On series.

Houston was born in Tonypandy, Glamorgan, and was the elder brother of actor Glyn Houston. He would sometimes indulge his Welsh accent as well as conceal it behind an English public school veneer. He had a successful career as a character actor in British film and television, with prominent parts in several wellknown films, including Yangtse Incident , 633 Squadron , The Longest Day , Where Eagles Dare and The Sea Wolves . His forte tended to be authority figures, often military, such as the brilliant but tough David Caulder, the head of Moonbaseor as Dr Francis in Thirteen to Centaurus .

Source: Wikipedia