Emiland Gauthey

miland Marie Gauthey December 1732 in ChalonsurSane July 1806 in Paris was a French mathematician, civil engineer and architect. As an engineer for the tats de Bourgogne , he was the creator of a great deal of the regions civil infrastructure, such as the Canal du Centre between Digoin and ChalonsurSane , bridges including those at Navilly and Gueugnon , and buildings such as the Eglise SaintPierreetSaintPaul at Givry and the theatre at ChalonsurSane.

miland Marie Gauthey was born at ChalonsurSane onDecember 1732 into a provincial petite bourgeoise family. His father, Pierre Gauthey, was the local doctor and his mother, Louise ne was born at Chagny onAugust 1700 as the dauter of Emiland Lafouge, a company lawyer and Official Receiver for the salt store in ToulonsurArroux.

Source: Wikipedia