F. McGrew Willis

F. McGrew Willis was an American screenwriter of the silent and early sound film eras. Born Frank McGrew Willis on August 18, 1891, in Pleasanton, Iowa, he broke into the film industry writing film shorts in 1914 and 1915 as a freelance screenwriter. His first feature credit came in 1915, with The Quest, the first of three features he would pen in 1915. Over the next fourteen years he would write the scripts or stories for 43 silent films, three of which, The Girl in the Pullman , Annapolis , and A Blonde for a Night , he also produced for either De Mille Pictures andor Path Exchange. He would also produce another three films in 1928. In 1929, and through the nextyears of the blossoming talking picture era, he would write the screenplays or stories for anotherfilms. In the late 1930s he would work in England, where he scriptedfilms during the remainder of the decade. His final screenwriting credit would come on 1941s Sis Hopkins, for which he wrote the story. Willis died on O


Source: Wikipedia