F%C3%A9lix Resurrecci%C3%B3n Hidalgo

Las virgenes Cristianas expuestas al populacho, 1884, La barca de Aqueronte, 1887

Hidalgo was born in Binondo, Manila on February 21, 1855. He was the third of seven children of Eduardo Resurreccin Hidalgo and Maria Barbara Padilla. He studied in the University of Santo Tomas. He studied law, which he never finished, received a bacheller en filosifia in March 1871. He was simultaneously enrolled at the Escuela de Dibujo y Pintura. In 1876, he previewed his La barca The Native Boat, Vendedora de lanzones Lanzones Vendor and other paintings at the Teatro Circo de Bilibid before they were sent to the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania of that year. In 1878, he painted the poignant and wellcrafted Los mendigos The Beggars.

Source: Wikipedia