Felicia Skene

Felicia Mary Frances Skene , also known by the pseudonym Erskine Moir, was a Scottish writer, philanthropist and prison reformer in the Victorian era of Great Britain.

She was the youngest daughter of James Skene of Rubislaw and his wife, Jane Forbes, daughter of Sir William Forbes, sixth baronet of Pitsligo, and was born onMay 1821 at AixenProvence. Moving with her family to Edinburgh as a child, she played with the children of the exiled King Charles X of France at Holyrood. Her father was a great friend of Sir Walter Scott, and it is said that Miss Skene as a child used to sit on the great novelists knee and tell him fairy tales. As a girl she was the guest of Stratford Canning at the embassy at Constantinople and later was the friend of, among others, Florence Nightingale, Sir John Franklin, E. B. Pusey, Walter Savage Landor and William Edmondstoune Aytoun.

Source: Wikipedia