Fran%C3%A7ois de Kinschot

Franois Henri de Kinschot , lord of Rivieren, Jette, Ganshoren, etc., was a Netherlandish jurist and chancellor of the Duchy of Brabant. He graduated Licentiate of Laws from the University of Douai and was called to the bar of the Council of Brabant. He married Marguerite, daughter of Adrien Boote, and in 1630 succeeded his fatherinlaw as Treasurer General and Chief of Finances to Archduke Albert. Under Philip IV of Spain he was appointed a member of the Council of State and a knight of the Order of Santiago. In 1649 he succeeded Ferdinand de Boisschot as Chancellor of Brabant, but he was formally appointed only in 1653 and died the next year.


Source: Wikipedia