Hector C. Macpherson

Hector Carsewell Macpherson FRSE was a prolific Scottish writer and journalist who published books, pamphlets and articles on history, biography, politics, religion, and other subjects.

He was born in Glasgow onOctober 1851. As a boy, he lived with his grandparents in Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire, and when he left school at fourteen he joined his father in Glasgow. He did not settle there and when he returned to his grandparents home, he found work in the office of Dalmonach Print Works in Alexandria. Between the ages ofand 21, he embarked on a rigorous course of selfeducation using the library of the Vale of Leven Mechanics Institute in Alexandria. He began with the study of Thomas Carlyle and passed on to Mill, Spencer, Arnold and other intellectual giants. At this Institute, he received a prize for best essay, which was entitled The Natural Business Relations Between Employer an Employed.

Source: Wikipedia