Heros von Borcke

Johann August Heinrich Heros von Borcke was a Prussian cavalry officer who served in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the American Civil War. Following the Confederacys collapse in 1865, von Borcke rejoined the Prussian Army for the AustroPrussian War, but retired in 1867 due to lingering wounds he had suffered during his service to the Confederacy.

Borcke was born in Festung Ehrenbreitstein, where his father Otto Theodor Heros von Borcke served as a second lieutenant in the Prussian Infantry Regiment 19. His father left service in 1836 to administer his familys estates of Wangerin in Pomerania and later Giesenbrgge . Borcke was educated at the local school of Giesenbrgge, the gymnasium in Clln and the Franckesche Stiftungen in Halle and joined the Prussian Army at the Gardes du Corps Cuirassier Regiment in Berlin.

Source: Wikipedia