Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov Dashkov

Count Illarion Ivanovich VorontsovDashkov was a notable representative of the Vorontsov family. He served as Minister of Imperial Properties in 188197 and the Governor General of the Caucasus Viceroyalty in 190515.

Illarion Vorontsov was born onMay 1837 in St. Petersburg. He took part in the conquest of Central Asia in the 1860s and was appointed Major General in 1866. He was in charge of the Hussar regiment of the Leub Guard in 186774. He was on friendly terms with the future Alexander III of Russia and, following his fathers assassination, established a counterrevolutionary squad, or holy druzhina, whose members included Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Nicholas Pavlovich Ignatiev, and Mikhail Katkov.

Source: Wikipedia