Infante Antonio, Duke of Galliera

Antonio Maria Luis Felipe Juan Florencio de Orlans y Borbon was an Infante of Spain and the fourth Duke of Galliera in the Kingdom of Italy. He was a member of the Spanish Royal Family and a grandson of LouisPhilippe of France.

Antonio was born in Seville, shortly before the end of the reign of his aunt Queen Isabella II of Spain. Due to the Glorious Revolution of 1868 which chased his family from Spain, he spent most of his childhood abroad. Yet his ambitious and liberal father Antoine, Duke of Montpensier, had some relations with the revolutionaries who forced him to flee his country of adoption. In fact, the uprising was prepared with his money and he hoped to be elected king in exchange. However, the attempt failed and the banishment of the House of Orlans was confirmed by the Spanish interim government.

Source: Wikipedia