Ivan VI of Russia

Ivan VI Antonovich of Russia was proclaimed Emperor of Russia in 1740, as an infant, although he never actually reigned. Within less than a year, he was overthrown by the Empress Elizabeth of Russia, Peter Is daughter. Ivan spent the rest of his life as a prisoner and was killed by his guards during an attempt made to free him.

Ivan was born in Saint Petersburg to Prince Antony Ulrich of BrunswickLneburg and Duchess Anna Leopoldovna of Mecklenburg, niece of Empress Anna of Russia and granddaughter of Tsar Ivan V. His grandaunt Empress Anna of Russia adopted the eightweekold boy and declared him her successor onOctober 1740. Upon the death of Anna Ivan was proclaimed Emperor, and on the following day Ernst Johann von Biron, duke of Courland, became regent. With the fall of Biron onNovember, the regency passed to the baby Tsars mother, though the vicechancellor, Andrei Osterman, ran the government.

Source: Wikipedia