Jacob van Artevelde

Jacob van Artevelde c. 1290 orJuly 1345, also known as The Wise Man and the Brewer of Ghent, was a Flemish statesman and political leader.

Artevelde was born in Ghent of a wealthy commercial family. He married twice and amassed a fortune in the weaving industry. He rose to prominence during the early stages of the Hundred Years War. Fearful that hostilities between France and England would hurt the prosperity of Ghent, he entered political life in 1337. He set up an alliance with Bruges and Ypres in order to show neutrality. Artevelde gained control of the insurrection against Louis I, the Count of Flanders who had abandoned his fathers antiFrench policies. Louis I was forced to flee to France, while Artevelde served as captain general of Ghent from that time until his death.

Source: Wikipedia