Jean du Bellay

Jean du Bellay was a French diplomat and cardinal, a younger brother of Guillaume du Bellay, and cousin and patron of the poet Joachim du Bellay. He was bishop of Bayonne by 1526, member of the Conseil priv of King Francis I from 1530, and bishop of Paris from 1532. He became Bishop of Ostia and Dean of the College of Cardinals in 1555.

Du Bellay was born at Souday, second of the six sons of Louis, son of Jean du Bellay, Seigneur de Langey, and Marguerite, daughter of Raoullet, Baron of Le TourLandry. Four of their sons survived infancy, including Guillaume, Martin, and Ren. They had two daughters, Rene, who married Ambroise Baron des Cousteaux, and Louise, who married Jacques dAunay, Sieur de VilleneuvrlaGuyart. The fief of Bellay was located near Saumur in Anjou.

Source: Wikipedia