
Karlsruhe formerly Carlsruhe is the secondlargest city in the state of BadenWrttemberg, in southwest Germany, near the FrancoGerman border. It has a population of 296,033. Karlsruhe Palace was built in 1715, and the city is now the seat of the two highest courts in Germany the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Court of Justice.

Two interesting facts in transportation history are that both Karl Drais, the inventor of the bicycle, as well as Karl Benz, the inventor of the automobile were born in Karlsruhe. Benz was born in Mhlburg, which later became a borough of Karlsruhe . Benz also studied at the Karlsruhe University. It also is interesting that Benzs wife Bertha took the worlds first long distancedrive with an automobile from Mannheim to KarlsruheGrtzingen and Pforzheim . Their professional lives led both men to the neighboring city of Mannheim, where they first applied their most famous inventions.

Source: Wikipedia