Laurentius Suslyga

Laurentius Suslyga or Laurence Suslyga , was a Polish Jesuit historian, chronologist, and an author of Baroque visual poetry. He was the first person to claim that Jesus Christ was born in or beforeBC, not in AD 1, as the Christian era would imply. Suslyga was thus questioning the Anno Domini chronology introduced by Dionysius Exiguus in AD 525. Suslyga presented this theory in his 1605 doctoral thesis entitled Theoremata de anno ortus et mortis Domini, deque universa Jesu Christi in carne oeconomia at the University of Graz. Among other arguments, Suslygas treatise included the following Herods son, Philip the Tetrarch, renamed a city after Augustuss biological daughter, Julia. Since she had been exiled from Rome by Augustus inBC, Suslyga assumed that Philip must have renamed the city prior to that date, and Herod must have died prior to Philips becoming a ruler, which pushes the Massacre of the Innocents at least 3, if not more, years before AD 1. Dionysius Exiguus chronology


Source: Wikipedia