Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie

Count Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie was a Swedish statesman and military man. He became a member of the Swedish Privy Council in 1647 and came to be the holder of three of the five offices counted as the Great Officers of the Realm, namely Lord High Treasurer, Lord High Chancellor and Lord High Steward. He also served as GovernorGeneral in the Swedish dominion of Livonia.

Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie was born onOctober 1622. The place of his birth was Reval , Estonia, which at the time was a Swedish dominion where Magnus Gabriels father Jacob De la Gardie served as governor. Jacob De la Gardie, Count of Lck, was a prominent military commander who served as Lord High Constable of Sweden from 1620 until his death in 1652. Father of Jacob, and grandfather of Magnus Gabriel, was Baron Pontus De la Gardie, a French mercenary who had been in Danish service but made a career in Sweden after having been captured by Swedish troops in 1565. Pontus married Sofia Gyllenhielm, the daughter of King John III, in 1580.

Source: Wikipedia