Manuel Gon%C3%A7alves Cerejeira

Manuel Gonalves Cerejeira, GCC was a Portuguese cardinal who served as cardinalpatriarch of Lisbon from 1929 to 1971. He was the last surviving cardinal elevated by Pope Pius XI, and his cardinalate of fortyeight years was the longest since the fiftyeightyear cardinalate of Henry Benedict Mary Clement Stuart of York which lasted from 1747 to 1805. He took part in three conclaves in 1939, 1958 and 1963. Although there were seven other cardinals elevated by Pius XI who participated in the 1963 conclave, Cerejeira was the longestserving living cardinal from the death of JozefErnest van Roey onAugust 1961 until his own death almost exactly sixteen years later.


Source: Wikipedia