Marek Sobieski (1628%E2%80%931652)

Marek Sobieski was a Polish noble , starosta of Krasnystaw and Jaworw, older brother of King Jan III Sobieski of Poland. He graduated from Nowodworski College in Krakw and Krakw Academy, then traveled and studied in Western Europe. After returning to Poland in 1648 he fought against the Cossacks and Tatars at Zbara and Beresteczko. He was taken captive by Tatars in 1652 and then killed by Cossacks.

Sobieski was the oldest child of Jakub Sobieski and his second wife Teofila Zofia Daniowiczwna. He was born onMay 1628 in Zoczw and spent his childhood in kiew. He grew up in a patriotic family, and his mother often took him and his brother to the grave of her grandfather Stanisaw kiewski, Grand Hetman of the Crown, who was killed in the battle of Cecora in 1620. Zofia Teofila Daniowicz taught her sons the inscription upon their greatgrandfathers grave O quam dulce et decorum est pro patria mori! . OnOctober 1639 Sobieski became Starosta of Jaworw.

Source: Wikipedia