Margherita Gonzaga, Duchess of Ferrara

Margherita Gonzaga dEste, Duchess of Ferrara was an Italian noblewoman, the daughter of William I, Duke of Mantua and Eleonora of Austria, and the sister of Vincent I, Duke of Mantua and Anna Caterina Gonzaga. She was the wife of Alfonso II dEste, Duke of Ferrara and Modena, whom she married in February 1579. This was the dukes third marriage, and it was hoped that she would produce a male heir. She did not, which partially led to the city of Ferraras acquisition by the Papal States.

Margherita was born and raised in her fathers court in Mantua. Alfonsos concerto delle donne was formed in part to please her, and all of the members were on the court rolls as her ladies in waiting, and the concerts were frequently held in her apartments. When she married she used her influence at Mantua to convince her father to allow Livia dArco, a Mantuan, to join the Ferrarese court as one of her ladies in waiting, so that she could participate in the concerto delle donne.

Source: Wikipedia