Marie Ang%C3%A9lique de Scorailles

Marie Anglique de Scorailles was a French noblewoman and one of the many mistresses of Louis XIV. A ladyinwaiting to his sisterinlaw Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine, the Duchess of Orlans, she caught the attention of the Sun King and became his lover in 1679. She died most probably as a result of complications arising from childbirth.

Marie Anglique de Scorailles was born in 1661 at the Chteau de Cropires in Upper Auvergne. Her family realized that her beauty was a great asset and raised enough money to send her to court with an unspoken yet precise aim of replenishing the family coffers from the royal bed. Marie arrived to the court of Louis XIV in 1678 and became the maid of honor to the Duchess of Orlans. Louis XIV was then torn in between the affections of Marquise de Montespan and Madame de Maintenon. Infatuated by the beauty of the young girl, the King suddenly abandoned both women. Now the standoff between Athnas and La Maintenon was suddenly eclipsed by a new passion which appeared to threaten them equally. Despite her physical charm, Marie Anglique was, in the court parlance, as stupid as a basket, This declaration made Montespan and Maintenon certain that Louis XIV would return to either one of them. Arrangements were quickly made, and, a few weeks after the presentation of the young girl to court, the kin

Source: Wikipedia