Marko Murat

Marko Murat was a Serbian painter from Dubrovnik who spentyears of his life in Belgrade, becoming a leading member of the Serbian and Yugoslav art scene at the time, before returning to his home town where he made a substantial mark in art conservation.

Murat was born in Luka ipanska near Dubrovnik in a Catholic family, as his uncle Vice Palunko was a noted priest and assistant bishop, and his older brother Andro Murat also became a priest. After finishing primary school in Dubrovnik in 1883, Marko Murat attended the seminary in Zadar. In 1886 he submitted a drawing to Vijenac which was noticed by Baron Lujo Vranyczany, who financed a scholarship for him to study at the Munich Art Academy. After graduation in 1893, he went to Rome and Paris.

Source: Wikipedia