
Narathihapate was the last king of the Pagan Empire who reigned from 1256 to 1287. The king is known in Burmese history as the TarukPyay Min for his flight from Pagan to Lower Burma in 1285 during the first Mongol invasion of the kingdom. He eventually submitted to Kublai Khan, founder of the Yuan dynasty in January 1287 in exchange for a Mongol withdrawal from northern Burma. But when the king was assassinated six months later by his son Thihathu, the Viceroy of Prome, the 250yearold Pagan Empire broke apart into multiple petty states. The political fragmentation of the Irrawaddy valley and its periphery would last for another 250 years until the mid16th century.

The future king was born to Crown Prince Uzana and a commoner concubine from Myittha onApril 1238.

Source: Wikipedia