Nicol%C3%A1s Ponce de Le%C3%B3n

Nicols Surez Ponce de Len was the accountant for the Royal Treasury of Spanish Florida from 1630 until his death in 1651, and from 1631 to 1633 served as acting cogovernor of the colony with Eugenio de Espinosa, apparently while Governor Andres Rodriguez Villegas was ill, and also for a few months in 1651.

Nicols Surez Ponce was born between 1590 and 1595, in Almaguer, Cauca, in what is now Colombia, then part of the Spanish colony of the New Kingdom of Granada. He was the son of Alejo Suarez de Pereda and Juana Ponce de Len. His father was a captain and Justicia Mayor of the Viceroyalty of Peru, while his paternal grandfather was Captain Alonso Surez de Pereda, and his maternal grandfather, Fernando Ponce de Len, was one of the first Spanish conquistadors of Peru. Ponce was also a descendant of Juan Ponce de Leon, explorer and governor of Puerto Rico and Florida.

Source: Wikipedia