Nicolas Bernard Guiot de Lacour

Nicolas Bernard Guiot de Lacour led infantry and cavalry brigades during the First French Empire under Napoleon. He joined the French Royal Army in 1787 and was sent to quell the Haitian Revolution in 1791. He fought in the Army of the North starting in 1793. He was promoted to chef de brigade in 1797 and to general of brigade in 1800. He led a cavalry brigade at Caldiero in 1805 and initially commanded the Siege of Gaeta in 1806. He fought at Abensberg, Landshut, and Eckmhl in 1809 before being fatally wounded at the Battle of Wagram onJuly 1809. Promoted general of division on the battlefield, he died of his wounds on the 28th. GUYOT DE LACOUR is one of the names inscribed under the Arc de Triomphe on Columnand his bust is in the Hall of Battles at the Palace of Versailles.

Lacour was born onJanuary 1771 in Carignan, France in what later became the department of Ardennes. In 1787, he joined the Rgiment dAuvergne as a Gentleman Cadet. He fought in the Haitian Revolution in 1791 as a sous lieutenant and later as a lieutenant.

Source: Wikipedia