Nikola %C5%A0ubi%C4%87 Zrinski

Nikola ubi Zrinski or Zrnyi Mikls was a Croatian nobleman and general in service of Habsburg Monarchy, ban of Croatia from 1542 to 1556, and member of the Zrinski noble family. He was known across Europe for his involvement with the Siege of Szigetvr and is today seen as a hero by both Hungarians and Croats.

Nikola was born in 1508 as the son of Nikola III Zrinski and Jelena Karlovi He distinguished himself at the siege of Vienna in 1529, and in 1542 saved the imperial army from defeat before Pest by intervening with 400 Croats, for which service he was appointed ban of Croatia. In 1542 he routed an Ottoman force at the Battle of Somlyo.

Source: Wikipedia