Pablo de Anda Padilla

Pablo de Anda Padilla was a Catholic priest and founder of the Minim Daughters of Mary Immaculate , Latin for Congregatio Filiarum Minimarum Marie

Pablo de Anda Padilla was born on July 5, 1830, in the city of San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco, Mxico. His parents, Mariano de Anda and Sanjuana Padilla had five children Pedro, Jos Sstenes, Mara Rita, Mara del Refugio and Pablo. The family environment favored his aspirations to the priesthood and, when he decided to follow that vocation, his parents supported him and moved with him, in 1845, to Len, Guanajuato, Mexico, where he began his studies at the Seminary of the Pauline Fathers.

Source: Wikipedia