Pedro Nu%C3%B1o Col%C3%B3n de Portugal, 6th Duke of Veragua

Pedro Nuo Coln de Portugal y Castro, was viceroy of New Spain from December 8, 1673 to December 13, 1673. He was 6th Duke of Veragua, 6th Marquis of Jamaica and 6th Count of Gelves .

This son, the 7th duke since 1673, married onAugust 1674 Teresa de Ayala Toledo y Fajardo de Mendoza, born around 1650. In due time, a daughter of this 7th Duke, Catalina Ventura , sister of the 8th Duke of Veragua, Pedro Nuo again, would marry in her second marriage, famous James FitzJames Stuart, 2nd Duke of Berwick,, Spanish Ambassador in Russia.

Source: Wikipedia