Peter Mogila

Metropolitan Peter was an influential Romanian Orthodox theologian and reformer, Metropolitan of Kiev, Halych and AllRus from 1633 until his death.

Peter Mogila was born into a Moldavian boyar family the Movileti one that gave Moldavia and Wallachia several rulers, including his father, Simion Movil, Prince of Moldavia his greatgrandfather too was Lord of Moldavia, Petru Rare. Peter Mogilas mother, Marghita , was the daughter of a Moldavian logothete, Gavrila Hra. Peter Mogilas sister Raina Mohylanka married prince Micha Winiowiecki, and their son Jeremi Winiowiecki was Mogilas nephew and supporter even though he himself changed the faith to marry a Roman Catholic princess and to inherit the Polish crown.

Source: Wikipedia