Peter Tordenskjold

Peter Jansen Wessel Tordenskiold , commonly referred to as Tordenskjold , was a DanoNorwegian nobleman and an eminent naval flag officer in the service of the Royal DanoNorwegian Navy. He rose to the rank of ViceAdmiral for his services in the Great Northern War. Born in Trondheim, Peter Wessel travelled to Copenhagen in 1704, and was employed in the navy. He won a name for himself through audacity and courage, and was ennobled as Peter Tordenskiold by King Frederick IV in 1716. His greatest exploit came later that year, as he destroyed the supply fleet of Charles XII of Sweden at the Battle of Dynekilen. In 1720, he was killed in a duel. In Denmark and Norway he is among the most famous national naval heroes. He experienced an unusually rapid rise in rank and died when he was onlyyears old.


Source: Wikipedia