Philip Benizi de Damiani

Philip Benizi de Damiani was a general superior of the Order of the Servites, and credited with reviving the order. Pope Leo X had beatified him in 1516 and Pope Clement X canonized him as a saint in 1671.

Philip Benizi was born on Augustin the Florentine district of Oltrarno, the day the Blessed Virgin first appreared to the Seven Founders. He became the great propagator of the Order of the Servants of Mary . When he was elected the general superior on June 5, 1267, the order, which had long been the object of attack from enemies, entered into the crisis of its existence. The Second Council of Lyons in 1274 put into execution the ordinance of the Fourth Lateran Council, forbidding the foundation of new religious orders, and absolutely suppressing all mendicant institutions not yet approved by the Holy See. In 1276 Pope Innocent V, in a letter addressed to Philip, declared the order suppressed. Philip then proceeded to Rome, but before his arrival there, Innocent V had died.

Source: Wikipedia