Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

Superman II The Richard Donner Cut is a superhero film directed by Richard Donner. It is a reedited directors cut of the 1980 film Superman II by restoring a significant amount of lost footage originally shot by Donner in 1977 before he was taken off the project and replaced by director Richard Lester, who completed the film for its theatrical release. In 2000, during the DVD restoration of Superman The Movie, editor Michael Thau became interested in completing Donners version of Superman II. In 2006, Donners footage of Marlon Brando was discovered and used in Bryan Singers Superman Returns, finally creating the possibility of restoring Donners cut.

On the planet Krypton, criminals General Zod Terence Stamp, Ursa Sarah Douglas and Non Jack OHalloran are sentenced to eternal banishment inside the Phantom Zone by JorEl Marlon Brando for insurrection and murder, amongst other crimes. Later, the shockwaves resulting from Kryptons explosion change the trajectory of the Phantom Zone, causing it to set on the same course as KalEls starship to Earth. Thirty years later, Superman Christopher Reeve diverts an XK101 missile into outer space and, unknowingly, destroys the Phantom Zone as it drifts towards Earth and frees its captives.At the Daily Planet in Metropolis, Lois Lane Margot Kidder suspects that Clark Kent is Superman. She tests Clark by jumping out of a window, but Clark uses his powers to save her while appearing to have done nothing. Meanwhile, with the help of Eve Teschmacher Valerie Perrine, Lex Luthor Gene Hackman successfully escapes from prison, abandoning Otis Ned Beatty. Together, they find and infiltrate the Fortress of Solitude, learning of the impending doom brought by General Zod. He resolves to meet up with Zod, and begins to track his approaching alpha wave signal, using the same tracking device he used to locate the Fortress. On the Moon, Zod, Ursa, and Non ruthlessly kill a group of astronauts while discovering they have superpowers caused by Earths yellow Sun. ........

Source: Wikipedia