Jack Carson

John Elmer Jack Carson October 27, 1910 January 2, 1963 was a Canadianborn Americanbased film actor.

He was born in Carman, Manitoba, to Elmer and Elsa Carson. In 1914, the family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which he always thought of as his home town. He attended high school at Hartford School, Milwaukee, and St. Johns Military Academy, Delafield, but it was at Carleton College that he acquired a taste for acting. Carson became a U.S. citizen in California in 1949.Because of his size 6ftin 1.9 m and 220lb 100kg, his first stage appearance in a collegiate production was as Hercules. In the midst of a performance, he tripped and took half the set with him. A college friend, Dave Willock, thought it was so funny he persuaded Carson to team with him in a vaudeville act Willock and Carson and a new career was born. This piece of unplanned business would be typical of the sorts of things that tended to happen to Carson in many of his film roles. ........

Source: Wikipedia