Case Closed The Phantom of Baker Street, known as Detective Conan The Phantom of Baker Street , Meitantei Konan Beik Sutorto no Brei? in Japan, is the 6th Case Closed feature film, released in Japan on April 20, 2002. Phantom of Baker Street is the first film in the series written by Hisashi Nozawa. This was the last of the Detective Conan films done in traditional animation. It was released on February 16, 2010 in America on DVD. This movie brought 3.4 billion yen in the box office. The story features several characters from and references to the Sherlock Holmes series, which Detective Conan is heavily inspired by, and Jack the Ripper.
Two years later, at the Beika City Hall, Schindler, Inc., holds a demonstration of an immersive virtual reality game called Cocoon. Conan, Richard, Rachel and the Junior Detectives including Vi Graythorn are attending the demonstration, but cannot participate without special badges, which have been allocated to children associated with the games investors and prominent socialites such as Serena. Dr. Agasa and Booker Kudo, who have been involved in the development of the games setting, attend the event. Agasa gives Conan a badge, while the other Junior Detective kids trade Premium Golden Yaiba Cards for badges.When security discovers that Kashimura, a top employee of Schindler, Inc., has been killed. Booker and Conan rush to investigate. Discovering that Kashimuras keyboard has blood stains on three of the keys R, T, and J, Conan decides to participate in the demonstration, hoping that the game would lead him to an answer. Booker reasons out that JTR stands for Jack the Ripper. ........
Source: Wikipedia